


取代2008年3月; 2012年2月


The purpose of the 梅根法律通知 policy is to provide guidelines to employees 遵守“37 Pa”下的通知规定. 法典第56条.4、指导方针 为学校及儿童及青少年服务机构.该政策确保学院 disseminates information about 性 Violent Predators to individuals whose duties include supervision of or responsibility for programs for school-aged children and 年轻的. 政策和程序旨在平衡公共安全与 个人权利.


It is the policy of the College to disseminate information about 性 Violent Predators to individuals whose duties include supervision of, or responsibility for, programs for school-aged children and 年轻的, when it receives a Community Notification, 根据《冰球突破豪华版游戏》从当地执法部门获得的.


性暴力掠夺者: a sexual offender who has been determined by the Court (after evaluation by the Sexual Offenders Assessment Board) to have a mental abnormality or personality disorder that 使这个人有可能从事掠夺性性暴力犯罪. 的性 Violent Predator is designated "性 Violent Predator" and mandated to lifetime 在该州的梅根法律网站上注册. 学院确实有肯定性 duty to inform those with a need to know as listed below about the person's existence on campus as a student or employee, or if the person is residing within 1,000 feet 两个校区的.

性暴力罪犯: someone who has been convicted of a crime that is sexual in nature and that mandates registration with the 状态 on the 状态's Megan’s law website, for up to 10 years 或更长时间. The College does not, and cannot, inform relevant members of the community as to the presence of registered 性 Violent Offenders on the College campus 或者住在离校园1000英尺内. 这些信息可以在 状态's Megan's law website to individual citizens and members of the College community, with specific directives by law enforcement as to how that information is to be handled. www.pameganslaw.状态.pa.us

Community Notification—Both 性 Violent Offenders and 性 Violent Predators 法律要求在国家梅根法网站上注册吗. 不是所有的性 暴力罪犯,尽管已登记多年,或 甚至 for a lifetime, are automatically to be considered 性 Violent Predators. 性 Violent Predators are clearly designated as 性 Violent Predators on the Pennsylvania 梅根法律网站: www.pameganslaw.状态.pa.us


  1. 性 Violent Predators or out-of-状态 offenders who were required to 提交 to 原产国的共同体通报;
  2. 性 Violent Predators who are 学生 or employees or residing within a 1,000 每个校区的英尺数.

The College is not notified of registered 性 Violent Offenders on campus or registered 性 Violent Offenders residing within 1,000 feet of campus – that notification is available to individual citizens on the Megan’s Law website at www.pameganslaw.状态.pa.us

通知程序如下: 州警察 都必须 notify the chief law enforcement officer of the police department of the municipality 性暴力掠夺者居住的地方. 该官员必须通知 the College President, by providing a copy of the community notification flyer, if 性暴力掠夺者住在离学院不到1000英尺的地方, or 是学院的学生还是受雇者.

For further clarification on what constitutes sexual offenses under the Pennsylvania Criminal Code and for information on registered 性 Violent Offenders and 性 暴力掠夺者,请登陆该州的《冰球突破豪华版游戏》网站 www.pameganslaw.状态.pa.us


The following procedure will be followed when the College receives a Community Notification under Megan's Law with respect to 性 Violent Predators or an out-of-状态 offender required to 提交 to community notification in their 状态 of origin, regardless of whether or not the offender is classified as a 性 Violent Predator.

  1. The President will receive a copy of the community notification flyer and distribute 困难的副本 (不是电子) to: 
    1. 负责参与和学生体验的副总裁
    2. 行政服务副总裁
    3. 教务处副校长兼教务长
    4. 财务副总裁
    5. 参谋长
    6. 校园安全总监
    7. 基督教青年会儿童中心主任
    8. 口腔卫生诊所主任


  2. The VP of Finance will notify the Director of the YMCA's Children’s Center who will 通知员工提高意识. 通知不得张贴在公共场所 在基督教青年会的儿童中心.
  3. 口腔卫生诊所主任会通知员工注意. 通知 不得张贴于口腔卫生诊所内的公众地方.
  4. The 教务处副校长兼教务长 will notify the deans and others on campus who are responsible for programs that involve minor children, as needed.
  5. The 行政服务副总裁 will notify the Director of 人力资源, 如果通知涉及员工.
  6. If the 性 Violent Predator for which the College receives notification is a 学生,学生主任将与学生见面,以: 
    1. 通知学生学院已经收到通知.
    2. Inform the student that it is the responsibility of the College, under 状态 law, to provide notice regarding his or her presence to a significant number of individuals 附属于学院.
    3. Inform the student that the college community is not limited to college-aged postsecondary 学生.
    4. Set the general expectation that the student remain in the general area his or her 教室的位置和避免未成年人所在的区域.

    The student may not be interrogated at this meeting, nor can a student’s access to 校园设施和/或活动完全受到限制.

  7. If the 性 Violent Predator for which the College receives notification is an 员工,人力资源总监将与员工会面,以: 
    1. 通知该员工学院已收到通知.
    2. Inform the employee that it is the responsibility of the College, under 状态 law, to provide notice regarding his or her presence to a significant number of individuals 附属于学院.
    3. Inform the employee that the college community is not limited to college-aged postsecondary 学生.
    4. Set the general expectation that the employee remain in the general area his or her 工作场所的位置和避免未成年人所在的区域.

    If the College determines that it is necessary to reassign an employee to an area ,学院有权这样做.

  8. The 校园安全总监 will disseminate the information to Campus Safety officers 仅供了解.

上述通知程序均不能以电子方式进行. 这样的通知 是否受到纪律处分.

If the 性 Violent Predator appears in an area on campus during children’s programming without a legitimate purpose or otherwise creates concern for the safety of children通知校园安全. 接到通知后,校园安全部门应立即通知 当地执法部门.