

日期: 2022年3月

取代: 2019年12月、2016年9月


蒙哥马利县社区学院 is a Community College organized and operating under the Public School Code of 1949, as amended, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with all requisite power and authority to own/lease its properties and conduct its 业务. The College is an agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 总统 and the 校董会 of the College are responsible to provide a safe and secure 教育环境. Accordingly, the College adopts the following policy addressing the possession of deadly or offensive weapons.


这一政策 applies to all persons who are enrolled, employed, visiting, providing services or renting facilities at 蒙哥马利县社区学院. 这一政策 applies equally to those persons that have a government issued license to carry a 隐蔽的武器.


The possession or carrying of any deadly or offensive weapon by any person is prohibited in College academic buildings, administrative buildings, dining facilities, off-site locations or while attending any sporting, entertainment or educational event on College property or sponsored by the College.

A deadly or offensive weapon is defined as any device designed to produce death or 严重身体伤害. Offensive weapons may be any devices so defined under the Pennsylvania 《冰球突破豪华版》第908 (c)条1.e., those which serve no common lawful purpose. 为 the purposes of this policy, deadly and offensive weapons may include, but are not 限于:

  • 枪支,上了膛还是没上膛
  • Pellet, flare, tranquilizer, stun, spear, or dart guns
  • Knives with blades larger than a small folding knife
  • Any cutting instrument where the blade is exposed in an automatic way
  • 匕首还是剑
  • Striking instruments, including clubs, truncheons, and blackjacks
  • 武术武器
  • 弓箭组合
  • 爆炸装置

Pennsylvania Law in Title 18, Chapter 61 governs the transportation and carrying of 车辆内的枪械. Persons carrying 枪支 within the scope of Pennsylvania Statutes do so at their own risk and are responsible for the safe and secure storage of all 枪支.

The definition of offensive weapon under this policy does not include personal size non-lethal chemical irritants for personal security, small pocket knives or general tools not designed as weapons and used for their lawful and intended purposes.


  • Sworn municipal, county, state, or federal law enforcement officers who carry proper 识别
  • Members of the United States Armed 为ces when in uniform and conducting official 业务 in conjunction with their armed forces service.
  • Security details assigned to armored vehicle couriers
  • Any individual who is specifically authorized in writing by both the College President and the Director of Campus Safety to carry a weapon.
  • Those persons conducting and participating in an approved program of instruction in the college's curriculum which requires access to such equipment as an integral part 教学计划的.


Violation of this policy is expressly forbidden and may result in disciplinary action up to expulsion for students, termination for employees and other penalties for visitors or contractors in violation, and may prompt a response by law enforcement. 政策 violations – relative to students, employees, visitors and contractors – will be referred to the appropriate area of the College for follow-up in accordance with related policy 和/或该领域的流程.

Notification of Use of Replica or Prop Weapons

Any item which looks like a weapon and is used for a legitimate purpose on College property must be reported to and approved in writing by the Director of Campus Safety 在任何活动中使用之前. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty member or other employee coordinating such activities to secure written approval from the Director of Campus Safety before conducting the activity. 责任人: the activity must recognize risks associated with using weapons or weapon-like props and must exercise prudent safety measures to ensure they are properly used and stored.